Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney – Garrett T. Ogata
Handling Cases from the Very Beginning to the End
If you have been charged with a criminal offense in the state of Nevada, California or Utah, Attorney Garrett T. Ogata can aggressively handle your case. The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata handles cases from the very beginning to the end. Our firm takes every case with the intention of going to trial and defending our clients. Each case is reviewed by several attorneys, including Garrett T. Ogata to help ensure every legal theory is explored.
Regardless if it is a misdemeanor or felony case, our firm knows that your criminal case is unique and of great concern to you. With this in mind, our firm will go through your case without treating it like a one size fits all approach. We pride ourselves in communicating with our clients and making sure they understand their case, their possible defenses and all possible outcomes.
If a person has done something illegal in Nevada, law enforcement officers will issue an arrest warrant. Issuance of arrest warrants, for individuals, for various probable causes happen all the time. They come with the consequences that your property may be searched through or even seized. Many at times, you will be taken into custody and arraigned in court upon which you’ll have the ability to post bail.
Getting the judge to agree to your bail bond sometimes isn’t as easy as we think. Some of the reasons why getting bail isn’t a guarantee include eluding justice, contempt of court, and an insurmountable amount of evidence. Posting bail in such cases becomes a difficult task and an experienced attorney can help you process and be accorded a fair trial and bail.
In the world of gambling, as a motivation for gamblers to continue playing, zero interest loans are offered by the casinos in the form of casino markers. After a series of notifications of the amount owed, if the loan is not paid within a stipulated period of time, a warrant for the person’s arrest can be issued. The casino can file felony charges against the person who owes the money. Contacting an attorney is paramount to negotiate a settlement with the casino.
Domestic Violence is battery between two people who have an existing relationship. Domestic violence can be between husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, parent and child, and even roommates. If one of them files a case against the other and provides evidence for physical abuse, the accused party will be charged. The penalty is time spent in jail for 2 days minimum, fines, possible community service and mandatory counseling.
Be it possession, possession to sell, distribution or trafficking of drugs, in Nevada, a penalty is inevitable. With strict laws on drugs, without the help of someone like Garrett T. Ogata, your chances of benefiting from the full extent of law are slim to none. Aggressively, he will evaluate all information pertaining your charge, whether in state or federal courts, and accord you a legal representation like no other. Save yourself from the trouble and embarrassment of your reputation going down the drain and call our offices today.
Driving under the influence of alcohol in Nevada is not a charge to be taken lightly. For first time, and even second time offenders, it will be considered a misdemeanor. However, a third DUI within 7 years is a felony. If convicted, the felony charge will stay with your record for life. The DUI charge can automatically become a felony, even on a first time offense if someone was hurt or killed. For your best DUI defense, contact Garret T. Ogata today.
Some typical sexual crimes include sexual assault, also known as rape, attempted sexual assault and prostitution. Sex crimes have the most harsh penalties, sometimes as severe as a murder charge. The punishments for sexual crimes can sometimes range from 10 years to life and go all the way up to 35 years to life. The stigma of being a registered sex offender will stay with a felon, regardless of where they move in America for the rest of their lives.
Many people are unaware that even a robbery could cost you a lot, including being unable to get employment. Charges for theft, whether a misdemeanor charges or a case of a grand larceny, is a 6-month jail sentence and/or fines amounting to about $1000. Depending on your prosecutor, there could be a possibility of reduced jail term or a dismissed case with a fine or even compensation without being taken to prison.
Being given a ticket by the police in Nevada is a common thing to many people. Nevada allows an attorney to go to court for the accused and resolve the traffic ticket. The ticket is usually resolved without insurance increases, points on the driver’s license or even without traffic school. The goal is to get the ticket resolved quickly and without penalties.
There are many cases of police reports on forced rape or sexual assault, murder, robbery, aggravated assaults, burglary, arson or vehicle theft. There is a slime chance of winning in court if you do not have an attorney. The penalty includes the possibility of having to spend the rest of your life in prison.
Your Best Option Forward
In legal matters, timing is everything. When it comes to your defense don't wait until later. To get started now, contact our firm through one of the methods below and request a free consultation.