
What to Do Before You Drive Drunk

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

After a long night of drinking with your friends at a Las Vegas bar or club, you might be thinking about driving home. You feel okay, you think, but you know the penalties for being arrested for a DUI, including fines of hundreds of dollars or several months of jail time. You could get stuck in DUI classes, or you might even require several months of counseling, Plus, if you are arrested for a DUI, you could lose your driver’s license, and that would really make your daily life hard. All of this enters your head, but what can you do about it? How do you know if you are safe to drive, or not? Well, it is best to not drive at all after any number of drinks, but if you are talking legally, your answer lies with your Las Vegas DUI attorney.

It is possible to calculate, approximately, your blood alcohol content, or BAC, before you get into the car in a bar or club parking lot. It is not a perfect system, but you can memorize or access the table on a webpage online to help you decide. If you know your weight, your gender, and how many drinks and of what kind of alcohol, you can get a good estimate of what your BAC is, and what it would be if a police officer pulled you over. Of course, the best way to avoid a drunk driving arrest is to trust in your Las Vegas DUI attorneys and try not to drive after drinking. Otherwise, you might end up having to call a DUI attorney in Las Vegas.

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