The Steps You Must Take if You’re Stopped for Drunk Driving
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to merely assume you’ll never be stopped for driving under the influence. The reason is that you won’t have the essential knowledge you’ll need to handle it if it ever does. Most people don’t expect all kinds of problems that do happen, and getting arrested for a DUI is no exception. Here’s what you should know ahead of time to ensure that you set yourself up as well as possible to face limited penalties.
- First, you will want to remain calm. Agitating the officer by acting erratically or aggressively won’t help the situation, and could even lead to you being pepper sprayed, tazed, or worse. If you avoid using profanity and stop yourself from arguing, you help yourself in the short run, and the long run, alike.
- The next thing to keep in mind is that you really don’t have to say anything. What that means is, if you think answering a particular question could hurt you, you have a constitutional right not to give the officer or Nevada law enforcement the fodder it needs to charge you and penalize you.
- Before you stop saying anything, though, take a moment to consult with a Las Vegas DUI attorney. This is pretty much the key. Once you’ve gotten a DUI lawyer in Las Vegas, you’ll want to share your understanding and observations of the scene, providing as much information and evidence as you can to help the Las Vegas DUI attorney out.
If you follow these steps, you have the best chance of getting the best possible outcome in your DUI case.