It can be truly frightening to get arrested for a DUI, particularly for first offenders who may not have much personal experience with law enforcement. The tendency to try to defend yourself may work against you in a court of law, which is why you should be wary about saying too much to the police. However, this does not mean that you shouldn’t take the opportunity to collect as much mental information as possible about the situation. When you speak to your Las Vegas DUI lawyer, the more information you have to offer, the better your chances are of an acquittal or reduced sentence. Like in most legal situations, having more evidence to go on will make it easier for your Las Vegas DUI attorney to successfully defend you.
With that said, what kind of information should you be prepared to provide your DUI lawyer in Las Vegas? Aside from standard biographical information, like your name and address, you’ll be expected to tell the lawyer the date and time of your arrest, as well as the city and state, the specific street location, who arrested you, and why you were stopped. Next comes the most important information. A good Las Vegas DUI attorney can incorporate this kind of information into a solid defense on your behalf. This includes which field sobriety tests you took, how you did on them, and what information your arresting officer advised you on. If it’s shown that you have a valid medical reason for a failed test, or if the officer failed to follow proper procedures, then your Las Vegas DUI lawyer could very well have the case thrown out entirely.
In fact, it doesn’t even matter if the individual can function perfectly normally. Under Nevada’s Per Se law, it’s illegal to drive a vehicle if you have .08 or higher BAC, regardless of your impairment or lack thereof. In the event that you are caught with a high BAC, you’ll be arrested.
After you’ve been arrested for a DUI, you’ll need to consult with a competent Las Vegas DUI lawyer to advise you on how to proceed, and to ensure that you get the best possible defense in a trial situation. The prosecutor will attempt to prove a DUI case through factors like the arresting officer’s firsthand experience with the defendant, evidence of a BAC of at least .08, or evidence of prohibited levels of illegal substances like cocaine, marijuana, or methamphetamine in the defendant. However, the prosecutor has to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and a good Las Vegas DUI attorney can provide enough doubt to get you reduced penalties or even an acquittal.