
Save Money and Avoid a Las Vegas DUI

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

The average cost of a driving under the influence conviction is $10,000. Do you have that kind of money to spend for drinking while intoxicated? There are a lot of better things you can spend your money on. The law offices of Garret T. Ogata know what’s at stake when you present us with a new case. We do everything in our power to ensure that your case is dismissed or your Las Vegas DUI sentence is reduced as much as possible.

Do Not Let a Las Vegas DUI Ruin Your Life

Money is only half of the consequences that spawn from a Las Vegas DUI conviction. You also start a criminal record. In addition to this your insurance rates triple. Contact our law offices so that you do not have to ruin your future. We will ensure that you have a clean record and save as money if you are being charged with a Las Vegas DUI.

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