Understanding Penalties for Driving Under the Influence
If you are arrested for driving under the influence in Nevada, you can face serious penalties, but what happens if it is your second or subsequent offense? The truth is that you can be arrested multiple times for DUI in the state. The more offenses you have within a 7-year period, the more substantial the consequences.
Were you arrested for a DUI in Nevada? The legal team at the Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata can help fight the charges. Our lawyers will work tirelessly to protect your rights and ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. Whether it is your first offense or your third, contact our office at (702) 366-0891 to schedule a free consultation.
What Are the Penalties for a DUI in Nevada?
Driving under the influence is a serious crime that can result in severe penalties. Even on a first offense, you could be sentenced to jail time. Most people assume that they have to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) over the legal limit of 0.08%, but you can actually be arrested for the offense with a lower BAC.
Penalties for a first-offense DUI in Nevada:
- Jail time (two days to six months, but may be suspended)
- Community service (96 hours)
- Alcohol awareness program (DUI school)
- Fines between $400 to $1,000
- Chemical test fee ($60)
- Victim Impact Panel
- Required ignition interlock installation
- License suspension
If you are arrested for a second or subsequent DUI, you could face additional penalties, including a longer jail sentence, higher fine, and longer license suspension.
When Is a DUI Considered a Felony?
In most cases, if you are arrested for driving under the influence, you will face misdemeanor charges. However, in some instances, you could face felony charges which carry a state prison sentence upon conviction.
Felony DUI charges:
- 3rd offense DUI within seven years
- DUI causing injury or death
- Previously convicted of a felony DUI
Depending on the circumstances of the case, you could have a license suspension of up to three years, fines between $2,000 and $5,000, and a state prison sentence if you are convicted of a felony DUI.
Do I Need a DUI Lawyer?
It is always in your best interest to retain a DUI lawyer if you are arrested for drunk driving in Nevada. Driving under the influence is illegal throughout the state, including in Las Vegas. If you are convicted of the offense, you will face severe penalties without the help of an attorney. Hiring an attorney as early in the process as possible can help ensure you receive the best possible disposition on your case.
Arrested for a DUI in Nevada? Contact Our Office.
If you were arrested for a DUI in Nevada, contact our office at (702) 366-0891 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. Let us get you the help you need now. Do not wait. Call our office today to speak directly with an attorney. All consultations are confidential and provided at no cost.