
Find Your Way Out of a DUI

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

The stress that comes with a DUI is overwhelming. You may have your license revoked, pay large fines, and have to attend court. A lawyer can help you keep your license, reduce your fines to the bare minimum, and attend court on your behalf. Lawyers instantly become your best friend, once you get a DUI, and the law offices of Garret T. Ogata do not mind representing you during this time.

Learn Information Regarding a DUI

We will provide you as much information as possible to help guide you through your DUI. Just make sure that you come to us at your earliest convenience so that we may build a solid foundation for your case. Make sure that you do not attend your DMV hearing before you contact us. We want to ensure that your fines are reduced as much as possible, and that you keep your license, so that you may continue to drive.

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In legal matters, timing is everything. When it comes to your defense don't wait until later. To get started now, contact our firm through one of the methods below and request a free consultation. 

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