
Effective DUI Defenses Used by Your Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

There are many reasons that you should choose Garret Ogata as your Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney when you are arrested for drinking and driving in Las Vegas. He knows the defenses that are most effective for individuals who don’t know their rights. Being pulled over for no legally justifiable reason, improper procedures at the checkpoint where you were arrested, and the failure of the arresting officer to comply with state regulations are just a few of the reasons that your case may be dismissed.

You should always ask for a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer as soon as you are arrested so that he has a better chance of having the charges against you dismissed before they go to trial. The more time he has to prepare for your hearing and to learn about the details of your arrest, the better he will be able to prepare your defense. Keep calm and be observant about what is going on around you so that you can learn as many details as possible about the arresting officer, the way the arresting process is followed, and any witnesses in your case. Having a qualified criminal defense lawyer is your best hope for a good outcome and providing him with as much pertinent information as possible will only help him to use his existing knowledge of Nevada drinking and driving laws to your advantage.

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