One reason so many people are surprised when they are arrested for a DUI is that they believe that the term only refers to driving under the influence of alcohol. In reality, any drug that impairs your ability to drive safely, whether it is a prescription drug or one that is illegal, can lead to your being arrested for DUI. Cases involving the influence of drugs where alcohol does not seem to be a factor are growing in number. If you are arrested for driving under the influence and you have not had any alcohol to drink, you can still be prosecuted if you have taken a prescription or illegal drug.
Regardless of the reason for your being arrested for DUI, you will need to contact a Las Vegas DUI attorney as soon as you are arrested to build a strong case for your defense. It is important to know that those arrests made on the premise of drug use of any kind are just as serious an offense as those that involve drinking and driving. They call for the same experienced Las Vegas DUI lawyer from Garret T. Ogata.