
Do You Need a Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer if You are Not a Nevada Resident?

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

Many people come to Vegas and assume that with its “party” reputation, they can get away with everything.  While this is the city to have a good time 24 hours a day, there are laws that still need to be followed. Some also think that if they do get arrested for drunk driving here that they do not need a Las Vegas criminal lawyer because it won’t affect them in their home state. Sorry to say, this is wishful thinking.  You will need to appear or have a Las Vegas attorney appear on your behalf at the court date given to you or you risk getting a FTA (failure to appear) bench warrant.

When to Contact a Las Vegas Criminal Lawyer

In many cases, an arrest is made due to failing field sobriety tests and a breath analyzer test. If you were arrested, do not assume that you can make bail and just head to your home state and forget about the situation. You need to contact the DMV and request a hearing within 7 days of being arrested. The Nevada DMV then contacts the DMV in your home state and has a hold put on your license.

You or your attorney must request a DMV hearing within 7 days or your license will be suspended. So, while you think what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, it does not apply to DUI charges.

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