
Why Prescription Drugs Can Get You a DUI

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

Have you ever been watching television, when a commercial comes on for a prescription drug? One of the warnings they might mention is to not operate heavy machinery while taking the drug. This is because many drugs can cause drowsiness and slow reflexes — a very dangerous condition to experience on the roads of Nevada. It’s not hard to imagine a police officer pulling someone over who is swerving in the lanes if they are under the influence of prescription drugs.

It is important to contact your doctor before driving, if you take any prescription drugs, but it is even more important to contact your Las Vegas DUI attorney if you are arrested for a DUI. A DUI is not specific to alcohol. It means driving under the influence, and the influence can be alcohol or drugs, prescription or otherwise. It is imperative that you contact your Las Vegas DUI lawyer as soon as you can, after you are arrested for a DUI. There is a pretty solid defense for human error on the officer’s part in judging whether you were impaired, but this defense takes time to prepare. If you don’t contact your DUI attorney in Las Vegas as soon as you can, you are only making it likely that your penalties will be more severe. If you do contact your DUI lawyer in Las Vegas, you might be able to get reduced penalties, or even a complete acquittal.

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