Concentration and good judgment are required when driving a vehicle. Not only is the safety of passengers in the vehicle at the mercy of the driver, but also other road users around them. A person can be charged with drunk driving in Las Vegas when they have enough alcohol in their blood to interfere with this concentration, and can be convicted of a DUI when the blood alcohol limit reaches 0.08 or if the person shows signs of “impaired” driving even if less than 0.08.
Drunk driving in Las Vegas can happen even with the best intentions
Drunk driving in Las Vegas is a criminal offense and should be avoided but there are times when this can happen despite the driver’s best intentions. Examples might include: driving early in the morning after a night of particularly heavy drinking, having a drink that is much stronger than anticipated and thinking that the BAC is going to be lower than it actually is, or forced to drive in emergency type situations. In these instances there are things that can be done in order to reduce the severity of the conviction and punishment for this breach of the law.