In Nevada, a driver can be pulled over and checked for impaired driving, even if they don’t appear to be impaired. Because of this, you might think that you have no hope of getting a reduced sentence if you are arrested for drunk driving. However, with a knowledgeable Las Vegas DUI lawyer that knows the regulations and procedures, you may be able to get a reduced charge or have your charges dropped entirely.
A knowledgeable DUI lawyer in Las Vegas can work with you and the prosecutor in order to make a deal and negotiate for charges to be reduced or dropped. When you choose to represent yourself, the chances are that a prosecutor will not work with you or accept any plea bargains for a reduced charge. If you are convicted, your attorney can also work to find the best sentencing option. For example, instead of serving jail time, you may only be required to attend a drug treatment facility.
In addition to these things, an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Las Vegas will also help you deal with the whole event, and give you advice on how to cope with the stress and other emotions. They can also provide information about the trial and what you need to expect. They have gone through the process before, many times, and they can tell you about the legal rules and regulations you may not have previously known.
They can also tell you what not to do. For example, pleading guilty may end the trial quickly and come with a shorter sentence, but it may impair your ability to get a job, later. Knowledge is power, in drunk driving cases, and you need to ensure you’re properly equipped with the right tools.