
What a Las Vegas Tourist Should Do When They Get a DUI

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

Being pulled over for drunk driving is bad enough when you’re a state resident, but it can be really nerve-wracking if you’re from out of state. The effects of a DUI in Las Vegas can have a highly negative effect on your driving privileges back in your home state, including the possibility of a license hold, suspension, or worse.

The fact is, your options are limited unless you or a Las Vegas DUI lawyer inform the Nevada DMV of your interest in holding a hearing. You’ll have only seven days to make that request, and a failure to do so will result in the suspension of your license. If you’re like most people, the inability to drive is an enormous problem, so the best course of action is probably to get some help from a Las Vegas DUI attorney. Aside from the bureaucracy, it’s important to be respectful and contrite for what happened, even if you weren’t in the wrong. Listen to the Las Vegas personal injury lawyer of your choice, and you’ll soon hopefully put the whole incident behind you.

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