If you are required to pay fines and/or complete DUI school, Victim Impact Panel (VIP), Coroner’s Visitation Program, and/or Alcoholics Anonymous as part of your plea deal or sentencing, it is important not put this off until the last minute. If you fail to do your requirements you risk losing your deal.
The judge will schedule a status check set at a future date to see proof of your completed requirements.
In Justice Court, typically you will have 3 months to complete your requirements.
In Municipal Court, typically you will have 6 months to a year to complete your requirements.
Once retained, our firm will make the status check appearances on your behalf until you have met all your requirements. If for any reason you need more time to fulfill your court requirements, you must notify our office immediately.
You can check http://www.dmvnv.com/dlschoolsdui.htm to find a list of approved DUI schools. The price varies and some offer online classes.
Some requirements, such as VIP, require you to attend in person and do not permit an online version unless you qualify and the judge grants permission.
Below you will find a list of DUI schools that our past clients have attended.
A Approved DUI School – www.approvedduischool.com
A Better Nevada Online DUI School – www.onlineduischool.com
LRS Systems, Ltd. – www.lrssystems.com
New Beginnings Counseling Center
LRS www.lrssystems.com (in person)
Stop DUI VIP http://www.stopdui.org/
Do not put off your requirements. It is important to communicate with your attorney and the court regarding the status of your requirements.
If you have not performed any of your requirements, or are having difficulty completing your requirements, contact The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata.